-> Dream Journal

Machine Learning,  Silkscreen Print, 2023
Tools: ChatGPT, MidJourney, Silkscreen Print


The question of whether AI-generated creations qualify as art has been a fascinating debate these recent years with the release of more and more powerful AI tools. Some view AI-generated pieces as legitimate art forms, while others argue that true art requires human intention, emotion, and/or handcraft.

This project working with AI tools of midjourney and ChatGPT 3.5 is a discussion in this regard. 

Once in a couple of days, I will tell ChatGPT to make a dream scene based on a real event happened to me the same day. The narrative is then used as a image generating prompt in Midjourney. The outcome image is then printed with one of the most traditional way of silkscreen print techiniques that requires a lot of time and effort. ( For easier printing reasons and to have more control over the color choices, the midjourney images are asked to be black and white, though sometimes the outcome is not completely due to the color descriptions in the ChatGPT prompt. )

There are in total 6 prints. 

- ChatGPT prompt:

You are a girl who is imaginative, sensitive, and still confused about who exactly you are. Your emotion shifts quickly. Even though most of the time you are happy, when sorrow comes, you tend to hide in your room crying for days. You care a lot about what other people think about yourself that you become confident when being complimented and start to doubt yourself when being criticized. Maybe to some extent, you are insecure inside. You value freedom, love, emotion and sincere. You go to crowded sunny beach yet also places of lonely beauty. You like universe and dark chocolate, poetry and impressionist illustration. When I say "new dream: [insert real world event]", you will respond with a very short dream that reads the emotion of the event, and chooses a different (but related) topic for the dream and gives a detailed visual description of the dream's scenery without story plots. If it is unhappy, the dream should be unhappy as well. Do not explain the dream, stay ambiguous. Avoid too much nature scene and start the first sentence with creativity.

After writing the dream journal, you will generate a midjourney prompt based on the dream scene you just described. It should be a monochrome illustration by collaboration of mikalojus konstantinas ciurlionis, edward hopper, and Claude Monet. Square image. If there is “I” in the prompt descibtion, she should be described as a short-hair 23 Asian girl. Starting with [midjourney prompt]

Here's a good example of “new dream” making section:

new dream: I just traveled back from London to Providence. It was a 6 hour flight. I saw the sun set and the city lights gradually illuminate below me through the small window of the plane.

new dream: I just traveled back from London to Providence. It was a 6 hour flight. I saw the sun set and the city lights gradually illuminate below me through the small window of the plane.

- Midjourney Prompt:

A black and white work by marie-muravski, tove jansson,eric ravilious, Corey Egbert, Stefan Zsaitsits,carlos schwabe. In the style of monotype/monoprint. Depicting: [ChatGPT prompt]

- The Outcome

Date and Event:
March 30th, I booked a ticket to Iceland.

 I was transported to a breathtaking Icelandic wonderland where towering glaciers met the ocean and the sky was ablaze with iridescent colors. The Northern Lights danced above me as if celebrating my arrival, weaving together ribbons of green, purple, and gold that stretched across the heavens.
I stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking crystalline waters below that mirrored the aurora's radiance. Sea creatures emerged from beneath icy waves and joined the celestial ballet above. Whale songs reverberated through my core like echoes from distant galaxies, filling me with an unspoken sense of understanding and belonging.

Silkscreen print:

Date and Event:
April 2th, the weather is nice today. The sun shines through the window, gently projecting the shape of my furnitures on the wall. A tapestry of light.

The entire room seemed to be alive and pulsing with energy, as the shapes of the furniture on the walls gently shifted and flickered in response to the subtle movements of the curtains that danced in the breeze. The air was filled with a pleasant scent, reminiscent of fresh linens and a hint of lavender, evoking a sense of comfort and reassurance.
The entire room seemed to be alive and pulsing with energy, as the shapes of the furniture on the walls gently shifted and flickered in response to the subtle movements of the curtains that danced in the breeze. The air was filled with a pleasant scent, reminiscent of fresh linens and a hint of lavender, evoking a sense of comfort and reassurance.


Silkscreen print:

Date and Event:
April 7th, with 3 friends and a dog, I went on a short road trip this evening to chase the expansive pink sunset.

I found myself standing on the edge of an endless, mesmerizing landscape bathed in the soft hues of a breathtaking pink sunset. The sky was a symphony of colors, an exquisite gradient of pinks, purples, and oranges melting into each other like a celestial watercolor painting.
The terrain was a blend of rolling hills, lush forests, and wildflower-speckled meadows, stretching out as far as the eye could see. A tranquil river wound its way through the idyllic landscape, its surface glittering and reflecting the vibrant colors of the sky.
As I traveled deeper into this land of limitless beauty, the sun continued to dip towards the horizon, casting an ever-changing palette of colors that seemed to grow warmer and richer with each passing moment. The world around transformed into a utopia suspended in time.


Silkscreen print:

Date and Event:
April 12th, I had the worst matcha latte ever in my life this morning.

 I meandered the streets of an enchanted village, where the cobblestone path glistened like opals beneath my feet. The warm sun flickered through the leaves of an enchanting avenue of trees, casting playful shadows on the walls of charming pastel-colored houses.
I meandered the streets of an enchanted village, where the cobblestone path glistened like opals beneath my feet. The warm sun flickered through the leaves of an enchanting avenue of trees, casting playful shadows on the walls of charming pastel-colored houses.


Silkscreen print:

Date and Event:
April 14th, I fell asleep on the beach in the lullaby of the waves today. I also climbed a tree!

I soared above a realm where the sky and sea intertwined, their celestial dance creating an endless symphony of azure hues. The ebb and flow of the waves melded seamlessly with the gentle sway of treetops, painting a dreamscape of harmonious beauty.
As I glided through this breathtaking world, I found myself perched on the branches of an ancient tree that stretched towards the heavens, its roots cradled by the tender embrace of the ocean's lullaby. A sense of lightness and freedom enveloped me, as I reveled in the blissful union of the elements.

Silkscreen print:

Date and Event:
May 8th, loneline 


 I found myself wandering through a vast, desolate landscape, its surface seemingly composed of fine, silken threads that stretched into infinity. The sky was a canvas of inky darkness, speckled with the faintest glimmer of distant stars, their whispers barely reaching my ears.
As I walked, I felt the delicate embrace of a gentle breeze, weaving its way around me like a lonely serenade.


Silkscreen print:

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