-> Illustration     --and something about me?

Of Course the Tiger has Gental Eyes

My mom started her story series “where is your dad” after my dad passed away in a car accident when i was five. I was reading The Adventures of Pinocchio at the time and was very much into the part of Geppetto staying in the stomach of the whale. With the first story of my mom’s being “he is traveling in a tiger’s stomach”(I was born in the year of tiger in Chinese zodiac years), the series went on until my junior high school.

The Green Locker Room

During my teenage years, I was very self-aware about my body. Feeling extremely uncomfortable about undressing before entering a swimming pool, I would wear my swimsuit at home and then put on outer clothes to avoid being naked in public.

My Dear Little Yaks and the Flowing Grassy Slope

I travel a lot spontaneously, and because of which I’ve gained many unexpected beautiful traveling memories.
One time, we lost our way in the darkness during a road trip from Sichuan to Xizang in China. We found a household near the edge of the two provinces. There are five of us. The house is too small to accomodate all of us so we had no choice but to stay in the car for one night with blankets from the family. I slept in the car trunk. When dawn arrived, I heard the sound of bells around . I opened my eyes and saw a group of Tibetan yaks sitting in a circle around us, and curiously gazing at us. The grassy slope beneath them looked like a flowing Milky Way.

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