-> Dear Florescentia,
     Something happened today

Toy design, 2020

Tools: Handcraft, Adobe Illustrator, Laser cutting


Dear Florescentia, is a set of toy that allows its players to make a data visualization of himself or herself everyday in a cycle of a week. It comes in a green package with 3 cases of various patals inside. Players get the chance to define the meaning of each kind of petals themselves which they will later use to visualize their daily life. 



A poetic documentaion of daily life.
2020 wasn’t easy for anyone with the global outbreak of the coronavirus. Over the next two years, being isolated in quarantine become a shared experience. The days seem to be caught in an endless loop of repetition, and when looking back, memories of the time fade into a hollow sad feeling.
“To make the time move again” is the starting point of creating this toy set, whose usage later extends beyond qurantine days to become a poetic documentation of daily life.

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